We help allied health practices meet the speech needs of their communities

Delivered by assistants, supervised by speech therapists

Our digital platform helps allied health practices expand speech therapy services with local health assistants & trainees by providing tools to deliver an effective therapy experience, while being able to monitor, report & optimize treatment.

Kinephonics for Allied Health

Engaging & effective therapy tools

Our speech learning tool & video platform enables assistants & trainees to deliver a personalised therapy experience that targets speech motor & sensory development - resulting in a fun therapy experience that achieves real progress.

Monitor, track & optimize care

Supervising speech therapists can review video, monitor delivery, track progress, report and optimize treatment. Record video throughout therapy, track key speech signs & biomarkers indicating speech progress, motor coordination & diagnosis.

Collaborative care, backed by data

Kinephonics enables multidisciplinary care teams to align over patient’s video case history & reports. Report, diagnose, plan & adjust treatment based on real data & video evidence.

Local training & delivery support

We support & train your team to effectively deliver speech therapy with the Kinephonics speech platform. In regional & remote areas we work with you to train school aged health assistants to service the unmet need within the community.

Is your health practice or community short of Speech Therapists?

In the case of a chronic shortage of speech therapists in your community we offer access to speech therapists to support your local health practices to deliver Kinephonics.

Learn more

“…your Kinephonics methodology is augmenting the natural neuroplasticity of the brain by enhancing connectivity... ”
